MRI News


SLE Core Study

MRI has developed a methodology to measure comprehensively levels of Customer experience, Customer satisfaction, Customer engagement, and its impact on their loyalty (as the company's target business) for sustainable customer loyalty (SLE Comprehensive Study).

SLE index banking industry 2020 is 52%, which means bank's customers majority are rationally loyal. It shows that the main driver in decision making to choose bank, product or service is determined by consideraton that are beneficial to the customer over emotional attachment they have. So there are improvements that can be taken to achieve engaged customers.

The index usually is conducted using face-to-face interview. However, in midst of this pandemic and Large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), we develop SLE Cores Study to gain the key indexes which can be collected by using Phone Interview/Online. 

In this study, the research can be directed to an organization but also focus on certain products, services or touch points.

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